Summarize the central points (300 words) in Sheldon Wolin’s analysis of coexistence of corporate power with religious fundamentalism in the U.S. (The Dynamics of the Archaic, 114-130).

Political Theology
1. Summarize the central points (300 words) in Sheldon Wolin’s analysis of coexistence of corporate power with religious fundamentalism in the U.S. (The Dynamics of the Archaic, 114-130).
2. In a minimum of 200 words, discuss some examples of laws and policies shaped by religion in our society.

All Responses to original DQs must reflect a balance between quotations and/or paraphrasing with proper in-text citations (Author, p. #) and your own voice and thoughts on materials covered. You must support your arguments and claims by using scholarly sources, utilizing sociological concepts and insights you are learning. It is crucial to go beyond what we already know, as experience and/or common-sense knowledge, and develop a critical understanding of social issues, based on facts and evidence, at the structural and institutional levels within their historical contexts. The goal is to stimulate critical thinking by making rational arguments and asking relevant questions to enhance an ongoing dialogue in our virtual classroom.