Traditional and new digital marketing communications disciplines and the manner in which these are deployed, dependent on the brand and the target audiences.

Digital Marketing Communications Plan

1500 word digital marketing communications plan

Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding

• Traditional and new digital marketing communications disciplines and the manner in which these are deployed, dependent on the brand and the target audiences.

Demonstrate the following skills and abilities

• Newer methods of marketing/communications and develop an integrated marketing communications plan utilising digital methods.

• Octopus Energy ( is a UK based retailer of electricity and gas supplies, specialising in sustainable energy

• The company provides electricity and gas to over 2 million domestic and business customers (as of February 2021).

• Octopus Energy have plans for expansion beyond the UK with operations in Germany, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the USA.

• In order to aid their expansion plans they have hired you as a Marketing Consultant.

• You need to develop a marketing communications plan that will help them meet their strategy for growth. This should include;

• Defining new customers and users outside of the UK, focusing on Japan.

• An assessment / audit of their UK online and offline marketing; which elements you would take forward, what new marketing elements are needed for overseas growth in Japan

• Set targets and objectives for your customer group

• Outline your first phase of activity and suggested evaluation

• Support with academic theory and models

• Demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of promotional strategy relating to case study material.

• Analyse a range of promotional methods relevant to case study material.

• Identify and apply the relevant models of communication and media analysis and consumption to self-selected scenarios.

• Communications theory

• Marketing planning

• Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

• Communications and marketing mix

• Advertising/ PR

All of these themes will be taught in the lectures and you will be expected to critically analyse all and apply to the chosen case study.