Calculate the summary statistics (for each data set) Which measure of Central Tendency best describes the data?

Write a paragraph to answer the following questions: What was the purpose of your study? What population did you sample from? Who/What made up your sample? When and where was the sample obtained? What Method Sampling did you use to select the sample? Give some detail about this.

Do you think you obtained a random sample (did everyone/thing in the population have an equal opportunity to be surveyed)? Explain.

II. Looking at a yes/no question For the yes/no questions and answer the following questions:

A. State the question

B. Create a pie graph of the yes/no responses.

C. State the sample proportion of “yes” responses, .

III. Looking at a numerical questions (Make Sure that you have TWO Quantitative Variables (calorie intake and body weight)

For the each numerical questions answer the following questions:

A. State the question.

B. Draw a histogram, box-and-whisker plot,

C. Calculate the summary statistics (for each data set) Which measure of Central Tendency best describes the data?

D. Discuss the shape, center, and spread of the distribution of responses to this question.