What are some of the typical errors, or optical illusions, that we experience when we observe physical objects?

1. What are some of the typical errors, or optical illusions, that we experience when we observe physical objects?

2. What are the problems of false consensus error? How can managers deal with this tendency?

3. Describe a situation where perception biases have or could affect any of the P-O-L-C facets. Use an example you have experienced or observed, or, if you do not have such an example, create a hypothetical situation.

How do we manage the fact that human beings develop stereotypes? Is there such as thing as a good stereotype? How would you prevent stereotypes from creating unfairness in management decisions?

4. Describe a self-fulfilling prophecy you have experienced or observed in action. Was the prophecy favorable or unfavorable? If unfavorable, how could the parties have chosen different behavior to produce a more positive outcome?