Critically evaluate and apply a range of theories and frameworks related to leadership, management, change management and team working supported by relevant literature.

Leading and Managing Across Health and Social Care

Assessment Title:

Assessment Specification

In this essay you are required to synthesize the leadership and management knowledge and experience gained whilst participating in the teamwork work project during the module.

Part One (40%) 1500 Word Essay

In the first part of the essay, you are required to critically reflect upon your personal leadership and management experience during the teamwork project.

You will need to

  • Select an appropriate model of reflection and use this to structure your critical discussion
  • Demonstrate self-awareness and recognize how your own values, principles and assumptions may affect your leadership and management practices.
  • Synthesize what you have learnt and explore how this will apply to your future practice as a registered nurse.
  • Support your reflection with critical evaluation of relevant underpinning theory / literature.

 1500 Word Essay

In the second part of the essay, you need to critically evaluate what you have learnt about leadership and management across health and social care services.  You will need to focus on ONE area of the project and may choose from either:

  • Leading and managing a multidisciplinary team in the ward setting


  • Service user and carer involvement in the planning and development of innovative healthcare practice.

You will need to

  • Critically evaluate and apply a range of theories and frameworks related to leadership, management, change management and team working supported by relevant literature.
  • Synthesize key management and leadership principles in relation to accountability within nursing and inter-professional practice underpinned by appropriate literature.
  • Demonstrate that you have a critical understanding of both political and economic perspectives within today’s healthcare system