In the comparative study of planning in different countries, why might we consider the notion of planning ‘cultures’ as well as the concept of planning ‘systems’? Critically discuss the increasing use of the term ‘planning culture’ with reference to two countries of your choice.

Essay Questions
In the comparative study of planning in different countries, why might we consider the notion of planning ‘cultures’ as well as the concept of planning ‘systems’?

Critically discuss the increasing use of the term ‘planning culture’ with reference to two countries of your choice.

Critically examine and compare the degree of certainty and of flexibility present in the UK (a discretionary system) with that of another country of your choice with a regulatory (or zoning-based) planning system. Use specific examples to support your argument.

Outline and explain the mechanisms for value capture through the planning system (‘planning gain’) used in two countries of your choice, and critically assess the effectiveness for community benefits and the provision of social infrastructure.

Illustrate with examples.
Is there a convergence of planning systems and cultures due to processes of neoliberalisation and globalisation? If so, how and to what extent? Discuss with reference to one or two countries of your choice.
Is informality inherent to planning systems and cultures only in the Global South? Illustrate your answer with arguments and examples from one or two countries of your choice.

Critically assess the channels and implications of the international mobility of planning knowledge and practices, using an example of a planning idea, practice or policy which circulated from one country to another