How leadership emerged in your groupConflict resolution (or lack of conflict and/or resolution of conflict) in your group

There will be three (3) journals for the course that will focus on analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of concepts. While engaging in the small group activity, particular attention should be paid to the group dynamics that occur. You are each asked to keep a journal of your reactions and observations in regards to your experience of our in-class group. Record this information in the group activity journals. In the journal, indicate/discuss your role as a 1) participant and 2) co- facilitator 3) solo facilitator. The 1st section, Reactions (3 points), will focus on what you did, thought, and felt in the counseling sessions. Document Conflict resolution (or lack of conflict and/or resolution of conflict) in your group
Hopefully, it will help you to re-evaluate each session and your sense of personal progress. The 2nd part of the journal will address Group Processes (7 points). You are asked to comment on such areas as: group roles, norms, themes and patterns, pressures to conform, cohesiveness, leadership functions, communication patterns, etc. Besides indicating what happened each week you are integrating the information to explain the progress your group as indicted by the lecture and readings. It is not necessary to include the names of your group members as you write this paper.

In addition to the above standards please discuss:
A) How leadership emerged in your group
B) Conflict resolution (or lack of conflict and/or resolution of conflict) in your group
C) Whether your group was better at task/function or better at process
D) The goal(s) and purpose(s) of the group
E) The goal(s) and purpose(s) of your personal work in group
F) Your perceptions of the group’s effectiveness in meeting members’ needs
G) Group norms and ground rules
H) Group themes and patterns
I) Co-facilitator strengths and areas for ongoing development. In this section you’ll note your own skills and assess those of your co-facilitator
J) Please utilize data from your readings to support your conclusions and observations
Papers will be typed and be no more or less than 5-6 pages in length (excluding reference page if applicable). Use 12-point font and double-space your text.

Particularly attend to the formats for the following:
● Citations in the text
● References.