Write 2-3 sentences as to why you think the website/video is helpful and provide a problem solved and worked out with an explanation or “how to” from the site or provided by you.

Find a website or YouTube video (or similar) that talks about density OR specific gravity and working with solving problems. (Even better if it relates to chemistry, but not totally necessary. ) Write 2-3 sentences as to why you think the website/video is helpful and provide a problem solved and worked out with an explanation or “how to” from the site or provided by you.
Also find a helpful website/video that shows either good examples for solving Conversion Factors (taking any example from our text – metric, dosage, percentage, etc.), or using significant figures (it is even better if it is about chemistry, but not totally necessary). Write a few sentences as to why you think the website is helpful, and provide a specific example solved and worked out with an explanation or “how to” from the site or provided by you.
Be sure to state any references you used along with proper citations. The Discussion Rubric applies.