Discuss your leadership attributes that you would like to develop addressing both leadership and management responsibilities


Evaluate leadership and management attributes that support critical decisions for nursing practice.

Explain the complexity of organizational systems and their impact on healthcare delivery. Apply quality improvement processes utilizing data from outcome measures in the clinical micro system.

Analyze leadership and management principles that guide supervision of nursing care. Apply principles of professional identity and professionalism. Integrate creative leadership and management strategies to facilitate change.

You were recently promoted to a new leadership position and the organization wants to interview for an article to introduce you to the team. They have provided you with some focus areas to prepare for inclusion in the article. In a Word document, prepare the following responses for the article:

1. Insights into how your core values influence your professional identity.

2. Discuss your leadership attributes that you would like to develop addressing both leadership and management responsibilities.

3. Organizational structure diagram that reflects the roles and responsibilities of professional nurse leaders in the micro, meso and macro levels of operation that begins with a mission, vision, and philosophy statement directed at improving client health outcomes.

4. Techniques and strategies needed to identify and quantify quality issues that impact outcomes in the clinical microsystem.

5. Apply standards to favorably impact a quality improvement initiative.

6. Describe how communication techniques to include staffing assignment challenges, delegation, supervision, and prioritization impact the improvement of quality as a nurse leader within the context of a multi and interdisciplinary team.

7. Incorporate how change theory is influenced by environmental and cultural dynamics

Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar.