Discuss how the theory is applicable to the described case scenario. How can it guide nursing practice in one or more of the following areas specific to the patient population you are describing

Culture care theory by Madeleine Leininger

You are asked by your nurse manager to apply a nursing theory that would help to guide clinical practice. Specifically you are asked to provide an easy-to-read, clear summary of a nursing theory and how it relates to, and would enhance, patient care.  provide a theory based implementation plan of care for a patient, or family, or group, or community intervention and evaluation plan.

Identify a patient care situation (at the individual patient level; or at a family level; or at a group level; or at a community level) from you clinical practice. Consider the situation according to the criteria below:

Discuss how the theory is applicable to the described case scenario. How can it guide nursing practice in one or more of the following areas specific to the patient population you are describing (assessment, diagnosis, intervention, evaluation)?