What is science? More specifically, what makes something science? How is science distinguished from non-science or pseudoscience?

nature of science

What makes one statement or claim science? Along these lines, how do you distinguish a scientific claim from a non-scientific claim, or pseudoscience?
Construct a claim that you consider scientific and indicate how the claim meets the criteria for science – that it is falsifiable and repeatable. Challenge your peers to either agree or disagree with the scientific nature of your claim.
After reading through Lab 1, pick a safety rule that was covered and write a few sentences explaining how you will apply that rule in your lab work.
Be sure to state any references you used along with proper citations.

What is science? More specifically, what makes something science? How is science distinguished from non-science or pseudoscience?

These questions have been the source of debate for many centuries, even millennia. Two thousand years ago, natural philosophers disputed the very nature of matter. Was matter continuous, infinite, and divisible as claimed by Plato, Aristotle, and their contemporaries? Or was matter discontinuous, finite, and indivisible, so that a certain smallest, most fundamental unit could be attained, as claimed by Leucippus, Democritus, and few others. Over 2000 years ago, Leucippus coined a term for this fundamental and smallest unit of matter – atomos, yet these ideas were largely ignored for millennia.