What problems might you anticipate if you implement the design?

National organization

1.  A national organization has requested proposals for innovative programs to reduce the percentage of low–birth weight babies. You have been assigned the task of describing the pilot study of a program similar to the women center’s program.
a.  Explain what a pilot study is.
b.  What information can a pilot study provide to policy makers?
c.  Develop a design for the proposed study.

i. Describe how subjects would be selected.
ii. What data would you collect? When would you collect it? How would you collect it?
iii. What are the strengths of your design?
iv. What problems might you anticipate if you implement the design?
d.  In your opinion how long should a pilot program last before its effectiveness is determined? one year? two years? three years? longer? Justify your choice.
e.  If the program is funded and later an evaluation produces evidence that it is effective, identify factors that should be considered before recommending widespread dissemination of the program.