What did you hope to find about treating this condition that you did not find? Why not? What still seems to be an open issue? Not understood? What is not yet clear enough, for example were patients unique, must the provider use their own judgement, was the tool too unique?

Based on what you found, do you consider this health issue to be a suitable one for a clinical decision support tool? To address this, provide your response to the following questions in either paragraph form (about three to four paragraphs) or you can cut and paste these questions in your submission and provide your response under each question.
From what you found, is there enough evidence and a standard course of action to inform a clinical decision support tool?
If yes, what are your high-level thoughts to the following:
What would the tool need to do? How do you envision it being used –  in what settings (e.g., hospital, ED, primary care office)? for what patients?
Who do you envision using it (type of provider)?
Do you envision using this tool would encumber workflow?
If no,
What did you hope to find about treating this condition that you did not find?
Why not? What still seems to be an open issue? Not understood? What is not yet clear enough, for example were patients unique, must the provider use their own judgement, was the tool too unique?
Any thoughts about next steps for research – what type of studies may be helpful to get closer to providing clinical decision support (consider what you could not find on the pyramid as well as what you did find that may be contradictory or not high enough on the evidence pyramid)?