What would the null hypothesis for the experiment presented on the previous slide?

Questions Relating to Blood Pressure

Answer the following questions.

The answers must be typed and submitted through Blackboard to your instructor.
This assignment is worth 10 points.

See syllabus for due date.

The Experimental Design
The following experiments were conducted on a healthy man with average blood

In his experiments, he would first determine his blood pressure at rest

Then he would test a treatment to determine if it affected his blood pressure

He would take his blood pressure at various time points using a home blood pressure monitor
http://www.onetwentyovereighty.com/blood- pressure/blood-pressure-experiments/

In the first experiment, he tested the affect of drinking a large, caffeinated coffee on
blood pressure
he measured his blood pressure at three minute intervals
Question 1: Write a hypothesis as to how his blood pressure will be affected by
drinking a large, caffeinated coffee.

Data for Answering Questions 1-5 This graph shows the patient’s actual systolic and
diastolic blood pressure at three minute intervals
http://www.onetwentyovereighty.com/blood- pressure/blood-pressure-experiments/

Question 2: Why was the patient’s blood pressure recorded before he drank the coffee?

Question 3: From the data presented in the previous slide, draw conclusions about the affects of caffeine on blood pressure.

Questions 4 and 5: Would these conclusions be considered as a possible basis for a theory? Explain your answer.
http://www.onetwentyovereighty.com/blood pressure/blood-pressure-experiments/

In a second experiment, he tested the affects of smoking a cigar on blood
Again, he measured his blood pressure at various time intervals http://www.onetwentyovereighty.com/blood- pressure/blood-pressure-experiments/

Data for Answering Questions 6-8
This graph shows the patient’s systolic and diastolic blood pressure during the smoking of a cigar.
http://www.onetwentyovereighty.com/blood- pressure/blood-pressure-experiments/

Questions Continued…
Question 6: What would the null hypothesis for the experiment presented on the
previous slide?

Question 7: From the data presented in the previous slide, draw conclusions about the affects of smoking on blood pressure.
http://www.onetwentyovereighty.com/blood- pressure/blood-pressure-experiments/

Questions Continued…
Question 8: What are the problems/limitations with this experiment?

Questions 9 and 10: Would the two experiments presented in this PowerPoint
be considered scientific or nonscientific reasoning? Explain your answer.