Critically analyse the nature of the change undertaken by the organisation under investigation. To support this produce a SWOT and PESTLE to demonstrate where the main influences came for the change.

Asda- analysis and critical evaluation of a major change previously implemented within an organisation.

Task 2 – REPORT

Task 1

Using information gathered for your proposal on the organisation provide a brief background on the organisation and the need for the change that had been implemented.

Task 2

Critically analyse the nature of the change undertaken by the organisation under investigation. To support this produce a SWOT and PESTLE to demonstrate where the main influences came for the change.

Task 3

Discuss the involvement of ‘leaders and leadership’ in the process of change. Within the discussion describe ‘complex’ areas of change leaders were involved in.

Task 4

Identify and discuss the culture of the organisation and it’s influence on the change process.

Task 5

Describe how ‘change agents’ helped or hindered the change process on an internal or external basis.

Task 6

Throughout the report critically review and discuss the impact change models and theories have had on the organisations change process.

Task 7

Provide a conclusion to the report and compile a development plan to aid improvements in future planning and implementation of a change process within the organisation. Please see development plan template on Moodle page.