Using details and examples from Bennett and Royle’s chapter “Queer” ONLY, clearly and precisely explain what they mean when they say that the word “‘queer’ challenges all gender and sexual essentialisms.”

QUIZ #5      [Ten Point]    

SAVE YOUR QUIZ IN A WORD DOC WITH YOUR NAME IN THE TITLE OF THE WORD DOC.   [Please do not save as a pdf, and please do not save in “page.”]


 1. [3 points] Using specific details and EXAMPLES from Nealon’s and Giroux’s fifth chapter (“Culture”) ONLY, clearly and precisely DEFINE AND DISCUSS AT LEAST THREE of the following terms: “high culture,” “popular culture,” “multiculturalism,” “mass culture,” and / or “media culture.”

2. [3 points, read carefully] In his Shakespeare: The Basics, Sean McEvoy incorporates examples from Cheek by Jowl’s production of As You Like It and Geisweidt’s queer reading of The Merchant of Venice. Using at least ONE EXAMPLE from these two plays cited by McEvoy ONLY, please define the methodology of what he calls “queer Presentism,” and explain how your cited example performs this kind of criticism.

3. [4 points, 2 parts] A] Using details and examples from Bennett and Royle’s chapter “Queer” ONLY, clearly and precisely explain what they mean when they say that the word “‘queer’ challenges all gender and sexual essentialisms.”

B]  Again using details and examples from this same chapter  (“Queer”) by Bennett and Royle ONLY, clearly and precisely explain what Foucault means when he argues that homosexuality was “invented” in the late nineteenth century.