Explain of how each manager uses the three skills. Clarity of explanation is a must. Substantive content is also expected. Around 250 words are expected in each cell of the table.

How Managers Use Skills

Part 1. Interview three managers and ask what three skills they consider to be critical for their success as a manager. If you experience challenges with face to face interviewing due to COVID-19 please contact your instructor for additional options/guidance.

Present the findings in the form of a table, as given below:

Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3
Manager 1
Manager 2 (Explain how manager 2 uses skill 2)
Manager 3

Explain of how each manager uses the three skills. Clarity of explanation is a must. Substantive content is also expected. Around 250 words are expected in each cell of the table.

Part 2. After creating your Manager X Skill Matrix, provide your analysis of the effectiveness of how these managers employ these skills. Say, what are the highlights? Is there originality in the unique way these skills are used? Are there better ways these managers could use the skills? Can differences in the skill utilization be explained in terms of the industry and organizational factors, or the managers’ age / education/ prior experiences, etc.? Expected word count is around 1000.