Provide a response on the following post pertaining to the March on Washington of 1941.

Topic: Examine the March on Washington of 1941 and considers its successes and limitations.

Please provide a response on the following post pertaining to the March on Washington of 1941.
“Marches on Washington–Common During Early 20th Century”
We must remember that several activist groups marched on Washington to further their causes in the early 20th century including Women’s Suffrage Activists (those campaigning for the right to vote), labor activists, WWI Veterans and even the Ku Klux Klan.  Any group with a cause marched on Washington to gain visibility and political traction.  The black community did not invent this dynamic though it is now strangely associated with black civil rights efforts especially after the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963 where King and several others made very stirring speeches.  (Those at the 1963 March on Washington claim that King’s speech was not the best but the one highlighted by the news media on television thus forcing its importance.)