How are organizational leaders perceived in terms of their integrity? Is ethics part of their “leadership” agenda? How are ethics-related behaviors modeled by organizational leaders? Are workers at all levels encouraged to take responsibility for the consequences of their behavior? To question authority when they are asked to do something that they consider to be wrong? How?

Selected Questions for Auditing the Formal System

How are organizational leaders perceived in terms of their integrity? Is ethics part of their “leadership” agenda?
How are ethics-related behaviors modeled by organizational leaders?
Are workers at all levels encouraged to take responsibility for the consequences of their behavior? To question authority when they are asked to do something that they consider to be wrong? How?
Are whistle-blowers encouraged and are formal channels available for them to make their concerns known confidentially?
Is misconduct disciplined swiftly and justly in the organization, no matter what the organizational level?
Are people of integrity promoted? Are means as well as ends important?
Is integrity emphasized to recruits and new employees?
Are managers oriented to the values of the organization in orientation programs? Are they trained in ethical decision making?
Are ethical considerations a routine part of planning and policy meetings? Is the language of ethics taught and used?
Table 9.2 Selected Questions for Auditing the Informal System

Identify informal organizational norms. Are they consistent with formal rules and policies?
Identify the organization’s heroes. What values do they represent? Given an ambiguous ethical dilemma, what decision would they make and why?
What are some important organizational rituals? How do they encourage or discourage ethical behavior? Who gets the awards, people of integrity who are successful or individuals who use unethical methods to attain success?
What ethical messages are sent to new entrants into the organization—must they obey authority at all costs, or is questioning authority acceptable or even desirable?
Does analysis of organizational stories and myths reveal individuals who stand up for what’s right despite pressure, or is conformity the valued characteristic? Do people get fired or promoted in these stories?
Does acceptable language exist for discussing ethical concerns? Is this language routinely incorporated and encouraged in business decision making?
What informal socialization processes exist and what norms for ethical/unethical behavior do they promote? Are these different for different organizational subgroups?