Demonstrate an understanding of the context of evidence-informed practise with particular reference to distinct fields of practice, professional practice, public health policy and person-centred care

Assignment Brief Course Work 1: (Words 3,000 (+/- 10%)
Literature Review of the application of evidence – based practice.
Aim of the Assessment
The aim of this assessment is to enable you to demonstrate your ability to review the application of evidenced based and evidence informed practice using three chosen pieces of literature in relation to a subject area of interest within healthcare. This assignment addresses the following learning outcomes
Demonstrate an understanding of the context of evidence-informed practise with particular reference to distinct fields of practice, professional practice, public health policy and person-centred care
Critically analyse the application of the hierarchies of evidence with clinical guidelines relevant to specific fields of nursing
Critically review the key steps in research design, including an understanding of underlying philosophies and the application of appropriate methodologies to different clinically-based research questions.
Select and retrieve two peer reviewed primary research articles related to an area of patient care within the last five years and link your findings to one corresponding current NICE guidance document