What are 2 negative possible outcomes of this interaction?End the case study with asking the question:   What should be done, and by whom, to resolve this problem?

Hospital Case Study

Hospital Case Study- Communication in the Healthcare Environment
1.     Write a case study based on your own experiences (or friend/family) or observations in which you describe one of the following events or communications in a hospital : a nurse-physician, nurse-patient, doctor-patient or healthcare administrator- patient. Explain how this event or communication can adversely affect patient. How does it affect the employee’s satisfaction with work.  (Give each person a first name) You could also create your own fictional scenario or describe an interaction from a movie or program.

a)     Tell the story….what happened?  Put details in about the workplace environment.   (2 paragraphs)
b)    What are 2 negative possible outcomes of this interaction? (1-2 paragraphs)
c)     End the case study with asking the question:   What should be done, and by whom, to resolve this problem?
d)     Apply 4 concepts from the second half of the course ( chs 8, 9, 10, 12, 14) in your solution to the problem (part c)  underline them and cite the chapter the concept is from (Ch 10, p ?).