What things might the school have done to prevent this from occurring?

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Using The Fraud Triangle as a backdrop, analyze the actions of Millicent
Lowe from each of the three factors that may contribute to an individual
participating in fraudulent behavior. From the case study, identify and list
the specific behaviors exhibited by Ms. Lowe that are aligned to each factor
(Pressure, Opportunity, and Rationalizing).
In your opinion was there any one factor that had a greater impact on her fraudulent behavior? If so, explain why?
Do any of the explanations provided by Ms. Lowe excuse her behavior or exonerate her in any way?
What, if any, responsibility lies with the school for Ms. Lowe’s behavior?
What things might the school have done to prevent this from occurring?
Did others in your group align Ms. Lowe’s behaviors differently than you? Discuss
Other thoughts?