What is the WHO recommended age for measles vaccination in developing countries? Why is the recommended age for vaccination different in the United States?

Measles is the theme of this Case Study Answer the questions listed for part 6 (below) using APA citation and
formatting in a 3page paper after reading the material and using the resources provided. Use references as appropriate
to answer the questions fully. Remember to cite all sources. Please use professional references (not common websites),
cite the reference where used in the narrative, and use correct reference formatting.

 answer the following questions with responses:

What is the WHO recommended age for measles vaccination in developing countries?

Why is the recommended age for vaccination different in the United States?

What are the different types of vaccines that are available today? How are they different, and how are they the same? Find and describe an example of at least two types of vaccines and comment on their advantages and disadvantages, including the need for boosters.