Choose a personal weakness or characteristic which might inhibit you to carry out effective management of patient care and planning discharge

self-reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses and applying them to a third-year skill of managing a patient’s care (including assessment, planning, referrals, interventions and initiations) and planning discharge.

Patchwork 4 is self-reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses and applying them to a third-year skill of managing a patient’s care (including assessment, planning, referrals, interventions and initiations) and planning discharge.

•750 – 1000 words (+10% allowance)

Introduce what the essay is covering

•Model Selection with referenced rationale

•SNOB ( strengths, needs, opportunities and barriers)

•SNOT (strengths, needs, opportunities and threats)

•SWOB (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and barriers)

•SWOT ( strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)



•Choose a personal strength or characteristic which enables you to carry out effective management of patient care and planning discharge

•What does literature say about this strength in relation to managing patient care and planning discharge?


•Choose a personal weakness or characteristic which might inhibit you to carry out effective management of patient care and planning discharge

•What does literature say about this weakness in relation to managing patient care and planning discharge?


•Identify opportunities in practice and university which will allow you to develop your identified weakness from the previous section (This also needs supporting with literature)


•Identify threats either personal or environmental which may prevent you from being able to improve your identified weakness

•What can you do to minimise this?


•Nothing new to be included in the conclusion

•Summarise the learning from carrying out this self-assessment

•Summarising the learning from the literature

•How will you apply this in your future practice?

•Conclusion should be referenced using literature previously used from the main body

Structure & clarity: 15 marks

• Well-structured logical organisation

•Elements clearly identified

•Grammatically correct

•Spelling and punctuation

•Coherent & well expressed

•Logical flow

•Beginning, middle and end


Application: 30 marks

•Credible literature focussed on topics

•Theory directly related to practice

•Contextualised personal reflection

•Clear demonstration of theory/practice links

Evaluation: 30 marks

•Analysis: what does it mean?

•Well organised arguments

•Use of literature to support arguments

•Drawing evidence based conclusions

Level of investigation: 25 marks