Student to develop ideas, research, evaluate information to make
an evidence based conclusion. The students are required to develop a point of view, and present them through original thought, and by providing supporting arguments through relevant and robust research.
Research Topics:
Pick one topic from the list below:
Topics include:
1. Does customer loyalty exist in the hospitality industry?
2. Strategies to recruit and retain staff in the hospitality industry.
3. The impact of Airbnb on the global lodging industry
Research Paper Guidelines:
• The paper should demonstrate that research has been conducted to assess accuracy of
information presented and use of various credible resources (minimum of six resources are needed
from any of the following publications: magazines, newspapers, professional journals or trade
magazines, and other sources available at Humber’s library)
• Use appropriate titles and sub-titles to help organize the content to demonstrate proper flow.
• The paper must demonstrate the student’s critical thinking skills in the analyses and presentation of
the research topic.
• The final paper should be no more than 4 pages typewritten, double-spaced, in 12 point font. Title
page, references, appendices are not included in the 4-page count. Number the pages in the righthand corner of the bottom page.
• Use APA format –