Identify any elements that need more development OR that feel extraneous and should be dropped. Explain. If this seems not to apply, explain why not. What is this draft’s greatest strength? Explain. What element here needs the most work? Explain. Anything else?

Workshop questions
For your Workshop 1 Response, reply here to each of the questions below. Number each one so it is clear where your responses to each question begin and end, but DO NOT copy these questions into your response.
You need to respond to each question.
Your entire response (for all eight questions, in total) should be at least 450 words long.
What is your partner’s name?
Restate this rough draft’s main point in your own words. If the main point is difficult to identify, explain. Is it clear? Appropriate for its audience?
Discuss one way the writer of this draft effectively adapts technical material for a non-technical audience.
Explain how this draft is organized. How does this contribute to or detract from the effectiveness of the document?
Identify any elements that need more development OR that feel extraneous and should be dropped. Explain. If this seems not to apply, explain why not.
What is this draft’s greatest strength? Explain.
What element here needs the most work? Explain.
Anything else?
Be careful about grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. This should be carefully edited Standard English. Proofread before you post.
My target audience is enterprises. My audience needs a website for their business. The website needs to be able to manage a business and expose the business to its consumers. This business needs to make a decision on a platform for developing its website.