Describe at least one primary prevention interventions for each health problem Describe at least one secondary prevention intervention for each health problem

Health status of the community

After completing your windshield assessment, use internet resources to learn about the demographic makeup of your community. For this assignment find the following information. (Please note: You may need to use county data or obtain data by zip code.)

1) Population Characteristics: (Census Data) Total population; Population by age, gender, race/ethnicity, education, occupation, socio economic status.

2)Health status (morbidity & mortality data): pregnancy outcomes; by age, gender, race; noted health disparities

3)What are the leading causes of illness and death in your community?

4) List three health problems in this community that should be of concern to the nurse

Describe at least one primary prevention interventions for each health problem

Describe at least one secondary prevention intervention for each health problem

Describe at least one tertiary prevention intervention for each health problem

5) Compare and contrast the information the census and health status data with your Windshield Survey observations (quantitative data)