Explain how you would process the evidence. Include mention of documentation that you will need for the execution of the warrant.

Did they witness anyone acting suspiciously?
Did they observe anyone in the company of the child?
Can they describe or identify the subject?
Do they know the name or location of the subject?
Prepare a memo of 500–700 words describing how you are going to approach these interviews. Include what items you may need to know more about, and keep the following in mind:

As a critical case, consider the significance of this case.
Are there any legal considerations that you must take into account? What are they?
How will you approach any questioning of school-aged children in the community?
Remember, no skilled interviewer or interrogator begins an interview or interrogation without a plan.
Consider preparing a plan.
Know what questions to ask prior to the neighborhood interview.
Know about the relevant facts found prior to asking questions.
part 2
The police conducted a second interview. As Suspect 2, Keith Hopkins, waited for the detective to speak to him again, he appeared to be deleting messages from his phone. As the second interview began, Hopkins admitted to hiding the stolen property from both victims inside his residence located at 1106 SE 9th Ave. He stated that the victim’s property was hidden in a laundry basket in his bedroom. He also stated that Suspect 1, Steve Chapman, hid the gun used in the robbery in the attic of his house under the insulation. You suspected that there may also be additional evidence in the house, but Keith Hopkins will no longer provide you with any information. The police asked Mr. Hopkins for consent to search his residence, but he immediately remembered an episode of his favorite police show and refused to give you permission to search his house for the evidence.

As the lead detective, you have decided to secure the residence, and you proceed with a search warrant. Using fictional details of your own choice, draft an affidavit and search warrant.

Download an Affidavit form. (Utah Courts, 2010)
Download a Search Warrant report form. (Utah Courts, 2010)
Be sure to include a detailed description of the residence, items to be seized, and an affidavit of probable cause to search the house.

After you execute the search warrant, you recover the victim’s property inside the residence. Answer the following:

Describe the next steps.
Explain how you would process the evidence. Include mention of documentation that you will need for the execution of the warrant.