Explain how a Stage 2* approach in Cognitive Development applies here and identify its limitations.

Critical Thinking Reflective Essay

• Explain how a Stage 2* approach in Cognitive Development applies here and identify its limitations.

*Note: Stage 2, Relativism: When the authorities don’t have the right answers, everyone has a right to his or her own opinion; there are no right or wrong answers.)

• Identify at least 3 of your cognitive and social errors and how they might interfere with an effective strategy for tackling your challenge.

• Discuss how a distorted sense of control has had an impact on your ability to achieve your life goals. Come up with at least two critical-thinking strategies you could use to correct for this cognitive error.

• Identify three of the more common fallacies you are most likely to commit and how they interfere with the successful strategy to your hardship/challenge.

• Identify three of the most effective strategies for avoiding these fallacies and how they will help with your successful implementation of your strategy.