When exploring differential diagnosis discuss how you work through these and what might influence decisions made, systems of thinking, cognitive bias.

Succinct introduction to the essay content in regard to the LOs but there is no reference to consultation models.  The learner writes that they will be using the Gibbs model of reflection but there is no evidence of this throughout the essay.  Make sure that you clearly adhere to the framework of the reflective model (headings etc.) so that the reader can follow your process throughout.
You should discuss the relevance of reflective practice in the paramedic profession and refer to HCPC guidelines.

This LO has not been met as there is no reference to consultation models in the essay.  The learner needs to discuss consultation models and their relevance in history taking.  Which consultation models have you used with your patient encounters?
On reflection, were they appropriate for that patient or would another model have been better? Compare and contrast the evidence.  Did you use the same model with both patient encounters or was there benefits to using varying models?
There is evidence of a history taking process and the medical model is mentioned but there is little structure to the process and is descriptive in nature.

This LO has been met but due to the overall writing style being descriptive in nature it is to a superficial level. There is minimal reflection on the benefits of any adaptation made to their approach or reference to relevance and theory behind these.

This LO has not been met.
Although assessment techniques have been mentioned the text is descriptive in nature and does not imply any knowledge of the theories underpinning physical examination techniques or an understanding of the relevant investigative and diagnostic procedures. When referring to assessment techniques, consider their accuracy and what information can be gathered from them.  Explain why you do what you do, what you were looking for and what it means if you find an abnormality. With both patients there is the scope to compare various pain assessment tools but this has been missed as well as the chance to fully explore the assessment techniques used in abdominal and CV assessment and how they help with the process of differential diagnosis.

This LO has not been met. There is little to no explanation or understanding demonstrated of the process of differential diagnosis. When exploring differential diagnosis discuss how you work through these and what might influence decisions made, systems of thinking, cognitive bias.  Reflect on how your own limitations in knowledge might impact on this process.


Overall, this essay does not meet the essay brief at a threshold level.  The reflective model chosen has not been followed leading to limited reflection and a lack of structure to the essay which makes it difficult to read.  Although some attempts at analysis and criticality have been made, the writing is descriptive in nature and the content and structure do not demonstrate the level of academic writing or underpinning knowledge that is expected at this stage.  The essay would have benefitted from being proof-read; some of the paragraphs do not flow and appear to be statements.  There are multiple grammar and referencing errors, with a number of non-academic sources been used.