How does this issue affect companies and, specifically, HR practices? Conduct your own research and consider the effects not just on the act of recruiting talent but also the pay and benefits a company offers and can offer.

Write a short reflective paper (this means 2-3 pages of content) in APA format using the following attachments to answer the following questions:

How does this issue affect companies and, specifically, HR practices? Conduct your own research and consider the effects not just on the act of recruiting talent but also the pay and benefits a company offers and can offer.

Have you participated in the gig economy or know someone who is or has in the past? If so, describe the situation (type of work, perception of the gig option, long-term viability).

If you haven’t experienced this and do not know anyone who has, conduct Internet research for a story of someone who is working in this capacity to answer this question. There are many stories, often on blogs and some in newspapers, about individual experiences.