How do playwrights use word choice to impact meaning and theme?How is rhetoric applied to the creation and delivery of persuasive speeches?

How did Arthur Miller use literary devices and/or stylistic techniques to convey a theme to the reader?
Essential Questions

: a How do playwrights use word choice to impact meaning and theme?

a How is rhetoric applied to the creation and delivery of persuasive speeches?

Assignment You will write a tertiary analysis essay about The Crucible. Analyze the play to examine how Arthur Miller uses literary devices and/or stylistic techniques to convey a theme or motif to the reader.

• Your essay should be at (east 4-6 paragraphs in length including an introductory and concluding paragraph, • The introduction should include background information and a clear thesis statement. • Each body paragraph should contain a topic (controlling) sentence that ties back to the thesis statement and sufficient evidence to support your claims. • ALL evidence should be cited property and thoroughly explained. • The concluding paragraph should bring your essay to a close and dearly show your reader that you understand the topic of the essay..