How the firm is currently organized to deliver excellence paying specific attention to its organization culture and decision – covering aspects such as how the organisation approaches creating good jobs, diversity & inclusion, innovation, and performance, and the leadership/management styles it nurtures

Describe your chosen organization paying specific attention to

(a) its value proposition

(b) how the value proposition has met the test of COVID-19 challenge- from March 2020 to first two weeks of 2022 – in home and global markets.

(c) the challenges the organization has faced in the early and later stages of pandemic

(d) how the firm is currently organized to deliver excellence paying specific attention to its organization culture and decision – covering aspects such as how the organisation approaches creating good jobs, diversity & inclusion, innovation, and performance, and the leadership/management styles it nurtures

(e) how the firm views the role it plays as a socially responsible organization.
Question 2:
Drawing upon the lessons from the course, outline the recommendations you would like to make to the board of your chosen organization post June 2022 to (a) strengthen excellence in your value proposition in both home and/or global markets and

(b) organize your firm better to deliver that excellence (i.e.,  culture, diversity & inclusion, team and organization structure, leadership/management you covered in the first question)

(c) redefine its role as a responsible organization with a clear mandate to create value through good jobs strategy and integrating social responsibility in its business model.
While making your recommendations:
clearly outline which area would you like to maintain as it is and which one’s require fundamental changes and point out briefly how you would launch any change initiative.
Important: Your submission should be in the form of a management report. For instance, it is good practice to have table of contents, start with an introduction and then have a solid conclusion. Consider the test:  If a senior manager of your chosen organisation came across your report, would they find it good enough to forward it to a forthcoming board meeting?

Maximum Word limit: 1500 words. There is 10% (+/-) flexibility in the word limit. Should be typed in 12 font Times New Roman. Single Space.