Ernest Hemingway employed what he called “the iceberg theory” when he wrote “Hills Like White Elephants.” What is the iceberg theory and how is it employed here?

1. In Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use,” two sisters have a different notion of what heritage means. Who has it “right”? Do they both have an argument? Explain and support your answer with specific references to the text.

2. While many see Abner Snopes as a villain in William Faulkner’s “Barn Burning,” others see him as waging class warfare on a system that marginalizes him. At one point, Sarty says “maybe” his father “couldn’t help but be” what he is. Is that the case? Why does Abner keep setting fires?

3. Ernest Hemingway employed what he called “the iceberg theory” when he wrote “Hills Like White Elephants.” What is the iceberg theory and how is it employed here? (Think about setting in particular).