Discuss about Standard Car Battery vs Electric Car Battery.

Standard Car Battery  Vs Electric Car Battery

This research paper will provide data on the Standard Car Battery vs Electric Car Battery.

Writing Instructions that Must Be followed
Writer must use reliable resources
All work must be cited
Writer must use all uploaded material
All resources must have an active hyper link
Writer must use MLA writing format
Writer must use current Data
Research Paper must answer the following:
Writer must provide graph
Writer must provide pictures that support research data

Research Paper must include the following:
Title: The title page, with the alignment of the actual title of the paper typically centered.
Table of contents (with page numbers for each section)
Introduction: This component provides the context and a situational analysis of the research topic at hand. Ideally, this is also where the research question and hypothesis are stated. It is important to explain why the research subject was chosen, and what the relevance or rationale is of undertaking research on the subject. (This is your opportunity to show your reasons and passion, too!)
Methodology: This part states and explains the process by which data, results, and evidence are collected, organized, and analyzed. If the methodology of the research paper is based on previous research literature, make sure that such literature is still valid and up-to-date. Research founded on outdated or disapproved material weakens credibility and makes proving something successfully so much more difficult.
Results and Discussion: This is where you logically follow through from the methodology and findings; with a smooth transition to reporting, analyzing, discussing, and substantiating the results. While research papers are an academic endeavor, it’s important to write in a way that captures and sustains the attention of the reader. This can be done by using several techniques, including: tables / graphs, quotations, illustrations, examples, words of emphasis (“indeed,” “of course,” “truly”), and additional supporting evidence. When using quotations, remember to do so accurately and to cite the source of the quotation in the references section.
Conclusion: This summarizes the results and major findings. Do not, however, include in the conclusion anything that hasn’t been brought up in the results and discussion components.
References / Bibliography: This component cites all the references made