How will Brexit affect branches of UK banks be established in other EU Member States?What is the likely impact of Brexit on the resolution of cross-border financial institutions?

If Brexit eventually leads to UK departure from the EU Single Market and a regime of
equivalence applying to fnancial regulation, the UK financial industry will face long-term challenges and fnancial stability will be threatened. The only way to mitigate such chal
lenges is close regulatory alignment with EU rules post-Brexit. Critically discuss.
You may also find it useful to review the chapter through the following questions:

What are the different types of relationship that the UK may have with the EU post-
Brexit and how do these impact banks and financial markets?

Explain the concept of equivalence in EU financial legislation and especially under

Does equivalence provide a satisfactory basis for the future relationship between the
UK and EU financial sectors?

How will Brexit affect branches of UK banks be established in other EU Member

What is the likely impact of Brexit on the resolution of cross-border financial institutions?