Find the value of β, given its continued fraction expression β = [1, ̄7], i.e., a0 = 1 and ai = 7 for all i ∈ {1, 2, . . .}. [5] – 2 -MA2011/21Find all solutions for the following pair of simultaneous congruences. 262x ≡ 3 mod 807

Examination Paper Title: Introduction to Number Theory IDuration: 3 hours (from the release of the paper to the submission of the assessment) Please read the following information carefully:

Structure of Examination Paper:
There are 3 pages including this page.
There are TWO sections.
There are 7 questions in total.
There are no appendices
The maximum mark for the examination paper is 100 and the mark obtainable for a question
of part of a question is shown in brackets alongside the question.
Instructions for completing the examination:
Answer ALL questions from Section A and Section B.
Show all your workings.
Section A
1. (a) Use Fermat’s Method to factorize 1147. [5]
(b) Euclid’s algorithm applied to two numbers a and b computed the quotients q1 = 3,
q2 = 3, q3 = 3, q4 = 3, q5 = 3 (in this order) and their greatest common divisor
gcd(a, b) = 3. Compute a and b. [5]
2. Using the extended version of Euclid’s algorithm, find a solution to the following Dio-
phantine linear equation.
77x + 91y + 143z = 2 [10]
3. Find all solutions for the following pair of simultaneous congruences.
262x 3 mod 807
3x 2 mod 5 [10]
4. Show that the equation
2x3 + 7y3 = 4
has no solution in integers. [10]
5. (a) Derive the continued fraction of 7. [5]
(b) Find the value of β, given its continued fraction expression β = [1, ̄7], i.e., a0 = 1
and ai = 7 for all i ∈ {1, 2, . . .}. [5]
– 2 –MA2011/21
Section B
6. The Euler’s function φ(m) counts the number of integers a with 0 a < m and
gcd(a, m) = 1.
(a) Let m = pa where p is prime. Show that φ(m) = m(1 1/p). [5]
(b) Let m = pa and n = qb where p and q are distinct primes. Show that
φ(mn) = φ(m)φ(n). [5]
(c) Compute φ(17) and φ(77). [4]
(d) Show that if gcd(a, m) = 1, then
aφ(m) 1 mod m. [11]
7. (a) Show that there exists a constant c > 0 such that
|b7 a| ≥ 1
cb ,
for all natural numbers a, b (b 6 = 0). [7]
(b) Compute two distinct, positive integer solutions to x2 17y2 = 1. [7]
(c) Let α > 0 be a real number and let pn/qn denote the corresponding n-th conver-
Show that pn qn

, and


implies (qn+1 qn)2 0.
Conclude that either

qn α

< 1

qn+1 α

< 1
. [11]