Briefly describe your research process using historical newspapers and any challenges you encountered during the process. How did you address those challenges?

For this reflection, you are asked to take stock of your work with these historical primary sources and to consider the lessons specific to primary source analysis that you derived from this exercise.

Please respond to each of the following questions:

1. Are there historical details that we can glean from print media articles such as these that we could not from other sources such as letters, pamphlets, or published accounts?

2. What are the limits of using print media sources such as these as primary sources?

What insights are available in these Indigenous authored sources that are not available in other print media sources?

3. Briefly describe your research process using historical newspapers and any challenges you encountered during the process. How did you address those challenges?

4. What did you learn from this project about primary source analysis? What did you learn about the relationship between primary sources and secondary sources?

Your reflection should be about 750 words in length.
It can be informal in tone, but should nonetheless pay attention to the basic rules of grammar and style.