What are the historical roots of modern-day social work? What are the three phases of the evolution of social work in Canada, and what are the defining characteristics of each phase?

personal statement on social work

What are the historical roots of modern-day social work?

What are the three phases of the evolution of social work in Canada, and what are the defining characteristics of each phase?

Describe the history of charity organization, the settlement house movement, and social reformers and their influence on social work in Canada.

Describe the influence of the social gospel movement on the emergence of social work in Canada.

What was the effect of the Depression of the 1930s on the development of social work in Canada?

Describe some of the linkages between the social gospel movement, the farm and labour movement, and the New Democratic PartyThis chapter is extracted from Social Work in Canada, Third Edition (eISBN: 978-1-55077-246-3) for use by Athabasca University.

How has casework changed since the days of Mary Richmond?
What is the scientific approach to social work and how did it change the nature of social work practice?