lactate is an energy source for the cell in which it is produced, why does it “spill” into the blood; in other words, why do blood lactate levels increase during exercise especially in untrained people?

Part III – Lactate Utilization in Skeletal Muscle Cellsf

lactate is an energy source for the cell in which it is produced, why does it “spill” into the blood; in other words, why do blood lactate levels increase during exercise especially in untrained people?

LDH is an enzyme and thus a protein. In order for a skeletal muscle cell to increase the amount of LDH within
the sarcoplasm, what cellular processes must be completed? What organelles need to be added to Figure 5 in
order for LDH to be produced?

Through dedicated training, the speed or level of effort coinciding with a person’s lactate threshold improves. Within the skeletal muscle cell, what changes might have occurred to permit this improved lactate threshold, resulting in less lactate spilling out into the blood?