How will capitalism end? Discuss with reference to the main reading f

modern world economy

1. What are the distinctive features of financialisation? Discuss with reference to main readings for week 9 (Mellor and Foster & Magdoff). ( files for question 1 will be names question 1 )

2. How will capitalism end? Discuss with reference to the main reading for week 10 (Streeck). ( files for question 2 will be names question 2 )

* Answer the two of the above questions.

* The word limit for each answer is 750 words (however, you may go over or under by 10%).

* You cannot merge the answers into a single essay.

* You must answer the questions separately but SUBMIT BOTH ANSWERS AS ONE DOCUMENT ON TURNITIN. Please do not submit the answers separately or you risk being graded on half assignment (and likely fail).

* You may add a reference list including all references at the end of your document.

* Both question titles and reference list are excluded from the word count