Explain the importance of a loading dose. Why do some drugs require loading dosing and others do not?

1. Mr. Rzepka is a 50-year-old male who has just been started on a new medication for an infection and is very confused about this medication. During morning rounds, he heard the care team mention terms including loading dose, half-life, first-pass effect, and excretion. Mr. Rzepka wants to know what these terms mean and what they have to do with his new medication.

a. Develop a teaching plan that explains the following terms:

· Half-life
· First-pass effect
· Excretion (including the primary organ involved)

b. Explain the importance of a loading dose. Why do some drugs require loading dosing and others do not?

2. Your clinical instructor has assigned you to give medications during clinical next week. The instructor expects you to be able to explain the following concepts during postclinical conference.

a. Explain how each of the following factors influences drug effectiveness:
· Weight
· Age
· Gender
· Genetic differences

b. Explain the concepts of tolerance and accumulation and what this means for patients.

Original posts must be at least 350 words.

You need to have at least 1 reference and it needs to be written in APA format. The reference must be your textbook or scholarly/academic site (not Wikipedia or , etc.)