Explain how economics provides answers to these questions and how these might be put into practice.

 answer ONE of the following questions. The word count guideline is 1750 words. :
Cournot, Stackelberg and Bertrand models describe market outcomes in an industry with two rival duopolist. Explain the insights of these models, focussing on outcomes for firms and consumers, compared to the standard competitive and monopoly outcomes.
A representative firm has two factor inputs, capital and labour. Explain the derivation of the firm’s demand curve for labour and explain how changes in

(a) product demand and
production technology shift this curve, examining implications.
Coase’s theorem suggests that externality problems can be solved by negotiation
between affected parties. Explain when and how this might reasonably hold and

examine scenarios where more coercive measures might be needed.

Public goods pose fundamental problems in terms of how much to provide and “who pays?” Explain how economics provides answers to these questions and how these might be put into practice.