A strategy statement that summarises the bank’s mission, vision, values, and objectives, its scope, and how the bank will achieve its objectives in its chosen domain.

Towards the horizon: A bank strategy for riding the tide of digital disruption
and flourishing in an uncertain future

This assignment requires you to create a strategy plan for ‘Top Bank’.

Top Bank is an established bank that has decided to pursue a strategy that will enable it to ride the tide of digital disruption and enable it to grow and flourish in an uncertain future.

Your strategy plan will include the following six elements:

A strategy statement that summarises the bank’s mission, vision, values, and objectives, its scope, and how the bank will achieve its objectives in its chosen domain. (15 marks)

An environmental analysis that covers the key issues you have identified in terms of the external environment, both macro trends and more focused issues relating to customers, suppliers and competitors. Specific focus should be given to digital innovations that are affecting banks and banking. The strategic implications of your analysis should be clearly stated. (15 marks)

A capability analysis that includes a clear identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the bank and its products and services relative to its competitors, and a clear statement of competitive advantage. (15 marks)

the proposed strategy which should be clearly related to the environmental and capability analyses, and support the bank’s mission, vision, values and objectives. You should also make clear the options you have considered and explain why the proposed strategy is preferred. (15 marks)

An assessment of the resources the bank will require and options for acquiring them. Resources should include physical, financial and people resources. (15 marks)

An assessment of the implications of the bank’s preferred strategy in terms of key changes that will be required to its structures, systems and culture, and how these are to be managed through effective leadership and management of operations. (25 marks)