Describes a meaningful nurse-patient story.       Includes a statement of  what the story taught you.      

Please read Barbara Carper’s Patterns of Knowing in Nursing as preparation for this assignment.
A Nursing Situation is a personal story.  It is a story about a patient experience that touched you or taught you..but one you will not forget. We all have them. This experience can remind us of why nursing is our profession.  As you tell your story relate it to Carper’s ways of knowing.
So please post your own story,..and end it completing the sentence :”Nursing means……….”.

Criteria for full credit for this assignment:  (out of 100 points):
1.  Describes a meaningful nurse-patient story.                     70 points
2.  Includes a statement of  what the story taught you.          10 points
3.  Think about the lesson (what the story taught you)
and identify at least one of  Carpers pattern’s of knowing.     10 points