How did teachers engage students with the topics they were teaching? Why is engagement so important?How did teachers maintain focus and whole class involvement throughout the lesson?

Here are some aspects of teaching and learning you could consider including in your PS
– How did teachers engage students with the topics they were teaching? Why is engagement so important?
– How did teachers maintain focus and whole class involvement throughout the lesson?
– What sort of learning activities were used and how did they link together effectively? Teachers tend to use a wide range of different activities – but why?
– What sort of relationship did different teachers have with their students and were some better than others?
– How did teachers measure progress of students learning in the classroom? E.g. doing practice exam questions, or questioning, quizzes, etc. Why do teachers and students need to know the progress they are making?
– How did different teachers manage behaviour in their classrooms – which techniques were the most effective and why?
– How were lessons planned – what tasks did students undertake. Did they work in groups or pairs or individually? What seemed to work the best?
– How were extra adults used in lessons?
– How did the teacher try to take account of individual needs of all learners?
What you have taken away from all this as a prospective teacher. It is important to realise that we can’t all teach in the same way – there is no model of brilliant teaching that can be uniformly applied to all people. (Approximately 6 to 10 lines).