Discuss transferability and application of astro-tourism practices to Kielder Water and Forest Park.Examine the potential for a new rural event at the Kielder Water and Forest Park.

Kielder Water and Forest Park Consultancy Report

• Examine the current rural tourism market, including the characteristics of tourists, the attractions and amenities they seek, and the trends that affect their decisions.
• Provide recommendations for future accommodation developments.

• Examine the potential for a new rural event at the Kielder Water and Forest Park.
• Review current academic literature and case studies of successful rural events and identify successful practices.
• Discuss transferability and application of these events and practices to Kielder Water and Forest Park.
• Identify (and segment) the market for this kind of offers and provide recommendations.
• Examine the potential for a new rural event at the Kielder Water and Forest Park.
• Review current academic literature and case studies of successful rural events and identify successful practices.
• Discuss transferability and application of these events and practices to Kielder Water and Forest Park.
• Identify (and segment) the market for this kind of offers and provide recommendations.
• Review current academic literature and review of UK/international of activity to support the exploitation of astro-tourism and the dark sky as a tourism asset.
• Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Dark Sky Reserve status and how Kielder Water and Forest Park can economically benefit from astro-tourism.
• Discuss transferability and application of astro-tourism practices to Kielder Water and Forest Park.
• Provide an assessment of the potential markets for astro-tourism in Kielder Water and Forest Park.