Define what the sharing economy is, and outline how/why it has developed.

The Sharing Economy: A Consumer Behavior Perspective
You are invited to the London Sharing Economy Conference 2021. At this conference local startups
convene to learn, network and share information about how to grow and stay competitive in the sharing
economy. The organizers of the conference invited experts of various fields including ecommerce,
software development, economics and logistics to give inspiring, informative and critical talks about how
to succeed in the increasingly competitive sharing economy. You are the consumer behavior expert!

Prepare a 10 page power point slide deck with presenter notes (see more details about the format below),
in which you cover the following:

1. Discuss the rise of the sharing economy.

Define what the sharing economy is, and outline how/why it has developed.

Contextualize the sharing economy in current times of increasingly liquid consumer lifestyles.

Identify its merits and critiques.

2. Discuss the role of consumer behavior in the sharing economy.

Outline latest consumer research on how consumers consume in the sharing economy, and what they (not) value.

What are key marketing issues (challenges/opportunities) in the sharing economy?

Integrate concepts and frameworks that we discussed in class into this part of the analysis. What is the role of consumers’ attitudes, identity/self, reference groups, brand communities etc. in consumer behavior in the sharing economy?