Analyze psychological research findings related to culture, ethnicity, and diversity.

Competencies Measured

Competency 1: Describe the effects of culture, ethnicity, and diversity on the human experience.
Describe a controversial topic and key current issues related to the topic.

Competency 2: Apply psychological theories to issues affecting culture, ethnicity, and diversity.
Identify counterarguments to own position, using psychological theories or research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support the counterarguments.

Competency 3: Analyze psychological research findings related to culture, ethnicity, and diversity.
Identify rebuttals to counterarguments using psychological theories or research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support the rebuttals.
Assess the strength of the original position using psychological theories or research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to support own views.

Competency 4: Apply psychological theory and research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity to inform personal and professional behavior.
Describe own personal or professional position on a topic supported by psychological theories or research in culture, ethnicity, and diversity.

Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
Cite scholarly evidence correctly according to APA guidelines.
Write in a manner that is scholarly, clear, and free of grammatical, spelling, and APA formatting errors.