Demonstrate an initial understanding of the legal and policy frameworks and guidance that inform and mandate social work practice Demonstrate an initial understanding of a range of theories and models for social work intervention, including the knowledge needed for the particular field of practice on placement/in work-based learning.

Develop and apply relevant knowledge from social work practice and research, social sciences, law, other professional and relevant fields, and from the experience of
people who use services

Demonstrate an initial understanding of the application of research,theory, evidence and knowledge from social work and other relevant fields (e.g. sociology, social policy, psychology, health, human growth and development and from the experience of people who use services)
Demonstrate an initial understanding of the legal and policy frameworks and guidance that inform and mandate social work practice

Demonstrate an initial understanding of a range of theories and models for social work intervention, including the knowledge needed for the particular field of practice on placement/in work-based learning.